RunColo excitement
Whew, sorry for the slight lapse in blogging. At least it's not because nothing is going on, it's because SO MUCH is going on! Wow. I will trickle out all the bits and pieces, but for now I want to shed a little light on the RunColo site. I met Mr.RunColo a few years back and we have been bloggy buddies for some time now. He's a super stud marathoner, married to a super stud marathoner with a few kids that I'm sure will be super stud marathoners, and he runs this great site: RunColo.
On his site you can contribute to a forum where people discuss Colorado specific running races. You know the local 5K you are thinking about entering? Well, go scope out what people are saying about it before you register. And after the race, go add your own beta. Was the t-shirt worth it? How was the post race food? Was the course long, short, just right??
Another great thing about RunColo is his newsletter (sign up in the left corner). He doesn't bug you, it's a once a month thing and he keeps it simple. Here's the secret, he gives away oodles of free race entries! You gotta be on the newsletter to know about them. And if you are a regular contributer to the forum, I'm pretty sure you get upgraded to "first class" when it comes to race entries.
So Mr.RunColo asked if I wanted to contribute some articles to his site on a monthly basis. You bet-cha! Sounds fun! So I will be over there writing articles with a female/triathlete/crazy spin. Should make for some good times. My first article is up and going. It's about snowshoeing in Colorado.
It's really funny to sit here and think that someone out there actually asked me to write something for them. I have a degree in Math and never considered myself a very good writer. I have always loved to read, but just struggled to get my minds thoughts out onto paper. Blogging these last couple years has really strengthened my writing skills and helped me to find my voice. Thanks to all of you that continue to hang with me!