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Whole30: Day 23 - Thanksgiving AKA Wow that was HARD...

Wake Up: 8:00am got 8 hours last night. My "hit the hay early" button seems to be in the off position. I would really like to get that back under control. But here I am writing this at 10:30pm...so.... hummm....

Breakfast: 10:00am

I got up and got started prepping the food I needed to bring to Thanksgiving. I had to do a store run, and the battery in the car was dead. So I left Troy to harass our neighbor Fred into jumping it, and I walked to the store. By the time I got back Troy had it fixed. It was totally my fault since I sat in the car talking the night before to a prospective athlete and I ran the battery in the car down. My bad. So I was cooking this morning and neglecting my need to eat. I finally heated up the last of the African Chicken Stew and wolfed that down.

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Lunch: 1:15pm

Man do I love my father-in-law. Roger, if you are reading, I love you. He made Thanksgiving so easy for me. He put so much on the table that was totally Whole30 compliant and he knew I was doing Whole30 and knew what it meant. Roger I love you. Look at this wonderful Thanksgiving plate, and it filled me up great. Turkey, steamed green beens and carrots with parsley, a cucumber dill salad I brought, and sweet potatoes without any sugar or butter, just plain. LOVE! Getting together and catching up with family and friends was much needed as well. I wish we could have had more time to visit, but hopefully we can get together again soon.

Oh and as an appetizer I brought a plate of cucumbers and snap peas and I made guacamole which had some of my home made mayonnaise in it (my moms secret ingredient in her guac).

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Dinner: 6:45pm

I sautéed some zucchini and then added meat sauce on top of it. I'm making more meat sauce soon, it's so flavorful and yummy. It's such tasty leftovers. Everyone just kinda foraged for dinner tonight on their own.

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Movies: 7:45pm

Troy and Annie wanted to go see Frozen. Yes, Troy wanted to see Frozen. Troy LOVES the movies! So as a last minute treat I put some unsweetened coconut flakes, frozen cherries, and frozen blueberries in a bowl and snuck it into the theatre. I have to thank Ron for this idea, he totally texted me frozen strawberries with coconut a few nights ago! At the movie I slowly ate my berries and coconut and Troy and Annie munched on popcorn and slurpies, and we all finished our snacks at about the same time. I'm totally doing this again in the future when I go to movies. It hit the spot and I still did not miss the popcorn. Who am I?!

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Giving Thanks:

Today is Thanksgiving and I am really grateful for the people I have in my life. I have a great family, wonderful friends, the most devoted husband, and the sweetest daughter. I am truly truly lucky beyond belief.

Ummm, AND Whole30 on Thanksgiving Day was really hard. I had so much support from my family and from Troy and even with all that, it was really really hard for me. My Father in Law makes this amazing pea salad with cheese and bacon and sour cream and I have been known to eat a very LARGE bowl of it in one sitting. There was a big bowl of it on the table and it was calling my name. Pea Salad, I missed you today. And, also, Pumpkin Pie is one of my favorite foods. I love it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I did not have any pumpkin pie today. Even with lots of support, I craved those old favorites, and wished I was splurging today. I don't have any epiphanies about it all, just that it was hard, and I am blessed, and I would like to go to bed, so that I can wake up tomorrow, and start a new day.