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I've made a few new friends on Twitter recently and thought I would give a few shout outs to those who are making me laugh day in and day out. Now, these are just a few, there are many more and I just picked a few because they jumped out at me. I'm just sayin', don't get hurt feelings or anything! Chris Rivers (@chrisrivers): This dude is pretty cool, he's a Papa of 3, just started training for tris, and tee-hee-hee he has an accent. Cracks me up.

TriBirdie (@tribirdie): Okay, Jill is just super duper sweet and helpful. I like to think of her as our Team Trakkers honerary member because she is signed up for the entireRev3 series. Fly-Birdie-Fly!

Sexy Kits (@sexykitsonly): I always find myself half flirting with Sexy Kits on Twitter. A fact which makes Troy roll his eyes. He is constant taunting me with the nice California weather. I send him snowy CO pictures back.

Megan Killian (@megankillian): she would be crushed if I left her off this list, and she clearly belongs here. She does frighten me a little because I think we might actually be the same person. We have so much in common its crazy.

Colleen Lasko (@clasko): I just love Colleen. She has this quiet kindness about her. She a mama too, and I can tell that she has this wicked determined soul inside of her. I see glimpses of it every once in awhile.

Brybrarobry (@brybrarobry): He may drive you absolutely crazy, but he is so frickin nutty that I find myself dying from laughter when he is on a roll. He drunk tweets all night, and then he gets up the next day and trains for 6 hours. And the dude has teenagers. Crack me up!

Okay, so there are a few to add on twitter. Some good peeps that are just doing good things.