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A Husbands 1st Confession

This is the first time I have ever asked someone else to write an entry for my blog. It came about because I hear from a lot of people "oh, your husband must be so supportive". I asked Troy to write a few things from his perspective, enjoy...

Sonja asked me to do some writing about being her husband. We threw a bunch of numbers into a hat and drew. I now have to do three posts and this is the first. (I will caveat this with "I am not a blogger". So if I make any mistakes - forgive me.)

Apparently Sonja gets questions about me and why I do what I do... Why I do what I do? I do it cause of you babe! (That was my plug for a good kiss.)

Seriously, I seem to go to her races and help out, I work at home some days to help her train, and I drag Annie along with all of this. It also appears that we balance all this out between her goals, and mine, and Annie's needs (I'm waiting for her to get some goals of her own into the mix). Well "seems to" and "appears that" are exactly the phrases to use here. It's hard work and we work hard at it. Both failing sometimes and reveling in our successes. We talk, we hash out, we negotiate, we concede, we inspire, we frustrate, we laugh, we win-win and we try to avoid the loose-win or worse, loose-loose.

I do like going to Sonja's races and helping with her workouts as sag support or recovery. There is a tremendous amount of benefit I get from it. (Get your minds out of the gutter.) Participating in someone's struggles and victories after we have all worked so hard to make it happen is joy within joy. It's a habit that is easy to forget to do when things get tough, but its rewards are something that we can carry with us for a lifetime (and brag about to our workmates).

I believe that participating and taking interest is something that bonds one with another person - even if it's not your cup of tea. I believe that we should do this for our spouses and our kids like we do for our friends. We spend time together, we talk, and most importantly we grow together. I haven't figured out how to do that by being apart in some of the most important parts of our lives - every second.