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Brenna Claire

Saturday night troy was up in Breck partying so Annie and I headed to dinner with friends Hillary, Ben, little Tana, and "the grandmas". Hillary's due date was the day before and we were trying to get her relaxed enough to bring on labor. We all had a margarita in her honor and laughed and talked while enjoying great food at Tahona. Hil is a rock star, you see, she is no ordinary mom. She had decided to have her second baby at home. She's one of those women who doesn't make things harder than they need to be. She's the type of friend that someone like me needs, she keeps me balanced. I had a snowshoe race on Sunday, and Hil knew that because I had a race, and because I wanted to help in any way I could with the birth, that of COURSE, the baby would decide to come on Sunday. Sure enough Tyler, Paul and I had just rolled into Beaver Creek when I get the text that "Hil is in labor". It's 9am. Race is at 11. I call Hil and ask "Want me to turn around and come over right away". Her response "No, go win your race and then get over here".

I was so excited. I used my energy to score another dash for cash win. When I started the actual 10K, I felt really crappy. Like "Oh yea, maybe I feel crappy because I got my wings ripped off yesterday". My quads had no go in them, they lost their MoJo. I kept thinking about Hil, and that she was working hard, so I should be too. At about the 3 mile mark I got into my groove and steadily passed people the rest of the race. All I could think about was the fact that this little baby was coming into the world soon.

After the race I checked my phone and saw "Healthy Baby Girl".

Yes, little miss Brenna Claire was born at 10:40am, 9 pounds 8 oz, at home, in her mommy and daddys bed, in the most peaceful and relaxing way a child can enter this world.

I grabbed my stuff, I grabbed m $100 check, I grabbed my dad and Troy, and we took off. I wanted to see that baby ASAP. And sure enough. Here she is:


So yes, there are race results, and there are pleanty of things I could write about the race, about the day, but really none of it matters much. This little girl is here now, and that, my friends is what happened yesterday.

Miss Hil, you rock the house. I am so in awe of you and what you did yesterday. Love you!